“Small Business and The Future” With special guest speaker The Hon Karen Andrews MP
We are pleased to have The Hon Karen Andrews MP, Federal Member for McPherson and the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Industry & Science, as our guest speaker on 6th August 2015.
July 2015 Breakfast
On Thursday 2 July we are welcoming the Gold Coast Airport to our breakfast. They will be presenting on Airport Developments – Including the Proposed Instrument Landing System (ILS).
June 2015 Breakfast
Bonus Speaker –Two speakers now confirmed for This week’s breakfast! We hope you can join us for our June breakfast with speakers, Senior Sergeant Chris Ahearn, Officer in Charge of the Palm Beach Police Station, and Senior Constable Rob Finlay from Pol-Air.
May 2015 Breakfast
How to use Social Media for Business (speaker Chris Hogan from ME Media).
April 2015 Breakfast
April Networking Breakfast & RSL 100th Anzac Day presentation.
March 2015 Breakfast - POSTPONED
The AGM meeting will as usual be in two parts with a short presentation this year from the Currumbin RSL about their extensive plans for events both on Anzac Day itself and around the 100th Anzac Commemoration. This year will see many activities and opportunities for everyone to remember all of our Anzac history over the last 100 years. This presentation will be given prior to our main business being the AGM.