Queensland Treasurer delivers keynote speech
The Queensland Treasurer The Honourable Andrew Fraser MP has delivered a keynote speech at the April meeting of the Creek to Creek Chamber of Commerce on the Southern Gold Coast.
The Queensland Treasurer The Honourable Andrew Fraser MP has delivered a keynote speech at the April meeting of the Creek to Creek Chamber of Commerce on the Southern Gold Coast.
The speech gave members a key insight into what economic conditions lay ahead, and what the State Government will be doing to bring the Queensland economy out of the global downturn, including focusing on housing and agriculture, as well as other industry.
The Minister took questions from the floor at the conclusion of his speech.
The morning also featured a preview of the Currumbin RSL Club's D'Alliance.
Queensland Treasurer Andrew Fraser MP with Chamber President Darren Mackintosh.
Pictured: Andrew Fraser MP with Chamber Vice President Gordon Watson.
The D'lightful: D'Alliance Creative Director Kylie Mitchell-Smith