Annual General Meeting 2017
Free for Voting Rights General Members – Remember to use your promo code!
1. President Opens Meeting
2. Minutes of Previous AGM presented and adopted
3. Presidents Report
A copy of will be available at the meeting, by email and on the Chamber Website on
4. Treasurers Report
Confirmation of Crawley Calvert & Associates as Auditors - 2017
Financial Figures for the Chamber for Year Ending June 2017
Acceptance of the Financial Figures as presented
5. Other Business – Note - Any other AGM business/questions to be notified to the President in writing at least 7 days prior to AGM
6. Executive Committee & Committee Positions Declared Vacant
7. Temporary Chairperson Takes the Chair
Nominations declared for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Committee
New Executive Committee and Committee Members are Elected, where required
8. 8.30 am - AGM Declared Closed - The Next AGM to be held in September 2018
A New Committee Meeting Will Be Held After – 8.30 am
1. General Business
2. Business arising
3. Closure of the Meeting
The formal notice of the AGM is available at this links.