Raffle raised $1,380 for Drought Angels

Thank you to all sponsors who donated prizes and members purchased tickets at our end of year evening. We were able to raise $1,380 for Drought Angels.

Gold Coast Airport Reaches International Emissions Target

Gold Coast Airport has been recognised for its commitment to sustainability, achieving Level 2 accreditation under the Airports Council International’s Airport Carbon Accreditation program.

Student-Led Clinic Offers Affordable Community Health Services

Community members looking for affordable Exercise Physiology and Osteopathy treatments can now book appointments at Southern Cross University Health Clinic in Bilinga.

Division 14 Update from Cr O'Neill - April 2019

Read up on the latest works and events happening on the Southern Gold Coast from Division 14 Councillor Gail O'Neill.

Have your say on Gold Coast beaches and WIN!

Help contribute to the way GC City Council deliver the Ocean Beaches Strategy by having a say on how our beaches are managed.

Our Valued
Platinum + Gold Members

These members are highly valued for their contribution to the
Southern Gold Coast Chamber.

AustworldLee's EnvironmentalQueensland Airports LimitedHutchinson BuildersCurrumbin Constructions Group