Department of Employment, Small Business and Training connections update

The Connections updates is designed to provide stakeholders with links and updates on information which is relevant to our region.


April Edition

Welcome to the April 2022 edition of the South East Region DESBT Connections.

Our Connections newsletter is designed to provide our stakeholders with links and updates on information which is relevant to our region.

‘Celebrate, Collaborate, Connect, Commit’

Queensland Small Business Month celebrates the small businesses that make a vital contribution to our state’s economy and play an important role in each region and community across Queensland.

By participating in or hosting an activity during QSBM 2022 small business owners have the opportunity to learn and acquire new ideas, skills and tools to take their businesses to the next level.

The next round of the Business Basics grants program will open Wednesday 4May 2022. See below for more information.

Feel free to forward this newsletter to your networks.

Brett Haagsma

Regional Director, South East Region

Department of Employment, Small Business and Training

P: 1800 210 210 E: W:



About Queensland Small Business Month 2022

Queensland Small Business Month 2022 (QSBM 2022) celebrates the vital contribution small businesses make in driving our economy, creating local jobs and building strong communities.

This year we are drawing attention to the thousands of small businesses across Queensland that have kept our economy moving.

Throughout May our department, and our partners, will be running events across Queensland to celebrate our diverse small businesses and connect them to support, grants and partnerships that will help them thrive.

There are hundreds of great opportunities across Queensland where you can connect, collaborate and network with other small business owners.

Get involved in QSBM


Love your small business campaign
In addition, we're celebrating small businesses throughout May with a Love your small business campaign to encourage all Queenslanders to support their local small businesses, shop locally and share their love in action by posting to social media.

How to get involved
QSBM 2022 aims to give small business owners the opportunity to network, connect and learn new skills that will help them succeed by either participating in or hosting an activity during the month of May.

Here are some ways you can get involved in QSBM 2022:

QSBM Events & Activities in South East Region - please register to attend

2022 Redlands Business Excellence Awards Launch and Meet Redlands Coast Chamber
4 May Capalaba Central Shopping Centre!event/register/2022/5/4/2022-awards-launch-redlands-business-excellence-awards

How to start a home-based business workshop - presented by Logan Office of Economic Development
12 May Browns Plains How to start a home-based business - LOED Workshop Roadshow for QSBM

19 May Slacks Creek How to start a home-based business - LOED Workshop Roadshow for QSBM

26 May Yarrabilba How to start a home-based business - LOED Workshop Roadshow for QSBM

Grant Writing in Boonah (Boonah Cultural Centre)
10 May​

Multicultural Small Business Expo (Nathan)
17 May

Grant Writing - CALD Communities (Slacks Creek Mosque)
20 May Grants writing workshops with CALD communities Tickets, Fri 20/05/2022 at 9:00 am |

Scenic Rim Regional Council Breakfast (The Centre - Beaudesert)
20 May

Canungra and Surrounds Business Expo
21 May 9.00 - 3.00 Canungra School of the Arts (no booking necessary)

Check out more QSBM events/workshops

Check out your local Council and Chamber of Commerce websites for QSBM events in May.

Scenic Rim Regional Council

Redland Chambers of Commerce

Logan Chamber of Commerce

LOED Events:

City of Gold Coast

Business Basics Grants Program

The next round of the Business Basics grants program will open at 9am on Wednesday 4May 2022.

These grants offer $5000 to eligible new or emerging businesses to improve their operations, such as upgrading websites, improving skills or adopting best practice.

Program guidelines and other information is available now from the Business Queensland website to assist businesses to check their eligibility and gather materials needed to submit an application.

The schedule for upcoming grant rounds of the Business Growth Fund and Business Boost has also been updated.

Link to Business Basics Grant

Mentoring for Growth in QSBM

Mentoring for Growth (M4G) offers eligible businesses free access to volunteer business experts who provide insights, options and suggestions relating to challenges and opportunities you are experiencing in your business.

The M4G program assists Queensland businesses to grow and succeed in the current business environment.

The M4G program includes:

  • Mentoring for Growth sessions
  • Mentoring for Investment
  • Mentoring for Pitch
  • Mentoring for Export
  • Mentoring for Recovery

When you participate in the M4G program, the Queensland Government matches its mentors' expertise and experience with the business challenge or opportunity you have identified.

Register for a 45-minute mentoring session to discuss an identified business challenge or opportunity. There are multiple sessions available per day.

Register for Mentoring for Growth sessions in May

Current business restrictions for COVID-19 in Queensland

Eased restrictions from 14 April 2022
As of 14 April 2022, check - in and vaccination requirements in a range of venues will end, including:

  • hospitality venues (pubs, clubs, cafes and restaurants)
  • entertainment venues (theme parks, cinemas, casinos and showgrounds)
  • stadiums
  • galleries, museums and libraries
  • weddings.

Vaccination and check - in requirements will continue for:

  • visitors and staff in vulnerable settings (hospitals, disability accommodation services and residential aged care)
  • workers in high risk settings (schools, childcare, prisons and airports).

Get in Touch with South East Region DESBT – We are here to assist

Have a specific question or business need?

Want to subscribe to our regional newsletter?

Email your query/request to and an officer will be in touch.

Keep Informed

Subscribe to our DESBT Small Business Connect Newsletter or

follow us on Facebook for updates on upcoming grants.

Our Valued
Platinum + Gold Members

These members are highly valued for their contribution to the
Southern Gold Coast Chamber.

AustworldPalm Beach Travel Co. Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary Currumbin RSL ATCO STRUCTURES AND LOGISTICS Lee's Environmental Neumann Group Rydges Gold Coast Airport Currumbin Constructions Group Alyve Technology SEE Civil Pty Ltd The Surf Club Coolangatta Gold Coast Titans Palm Beach (QLD) SLSC Supporters Club BG&E Pty Limited Southern Cross University Cranfield Group CMW Geosciences Architectus Conrad Gargett Solar Set Pty Ltd The Pines Elanora The Gallery Interiors The Events Agency Effective Workplace Solutions SMEC HIWAY RBR Property Consultants LJ Hooker Commercial Southern Gold Coast To Be Continued Employers Mutual Limited Hutchinson Builders Fotoforce photography