Division 14 Update from Cr O'Neill - April 2019

Read up on the latest works and events happening on the Southern Gold Coast from Division 14 Councillor Gail O'Neill.

Welcome to the April edition of my monthly Councillor Newsletter for 2019. As your Councillor, I am passionate about serving the needs of residents, schools, businesses and community groups within Division 14. 

My office in Tugun is open Tuesday to Friday between 8.30am-12.30pm and 1.30pm-4.30pm. Should you have any community concerns, feedback or suggestions I am available to meet with you. Please contact my office on 07 5581 5275 to arrange an appointment or email me through your request to division14@goldcoast.qld.gov.au.

I conduct weekly pop-up listening posts every Friday between 9am-11am at Coolangatta Library so if you are in the area please call in and see me to say hi. To keep up to date with important Division 14 related works and events ‘like’ my Facebook page or search @gailoneilldivision14.


Local Area Works


Golden Four Drive, Road Upgrades

Works have commenced along Golden Four Drive to complete the Principal Active Transport route to encourage walking and cycling. This includes upgrading and widening the shared path between Short Street and Matters Street, and connecting the path and bus stop ramps to improve accessibility. The works also include renewal of the road pavement along Golden Four Drive (from Short Street to Gibson Street) to improve its condition. 

To minimise impacts, works will be delivered in stages (block by block). Notification letters will be sent to local businesses and residents. Works are due to be completed mid-year with the majority of parking to remain. 


Tugun Centre Median & Roundabout Upgrade

The centre median beds between Wyberba Street and Toolona Street and the Wyberba Street roundabout have been planted out for beautification purposes. 


Wagawn Street, Footpath Installation 

Works to install a new footpath in Wagawn Street have commenced. I was able to fund this $120,000 project through my Divisional budget in response to residents’ requests for safety of pedestrians on this very busy street leading to the beautiful Tugun beach. Project due to be completed by mid-year. 


Wayne ‘Rabbit’ Bartholomew Bridge Repairs

The City of Gold Coast has commenced maintenance works on the Wayne 'Rabbit' Bartholomew Bridge located over Flat Rock Creek between Len Wort Park and Kropp Park Tugun. The repair work is due to vandalism caused to the underside of the bridge some months ago. The works will be completed by mid-April (weather permitting) and includes replacement of a few members of the bridge substructure and site restoration. The bridge will remain fully open to pedestrians. 


Greenmount Deck

Tree planting works will commence around the Greenmount deck on 1 April for two days. A special wire mesh will also be installed to prevent the Bush Turkeys from scratching the area and making it untidy. 


Tallebudgera Valley Maintenance Works

The following maintenance works will be taking place in Tallebudgera Valley throughout the month of April; Tallebudgera Creek Road Timber Bridge No. 2 and No. 3; causeway pavement at Araluen Road; and Araluen Road landslip. 


Wyberba Street Parklands, New Public Amenities

The City of Gold Coast will be replacing the existing public amenities at Wyberba Street Parklands with a new facility in response to public need and condition of the current facility. Wyberba Street Parklands is a very popular park that includes features such as playgrounds, picnic facilities and a lifeguard patrolled beach. 

The open and airy design of the new public amenity is consistent with other new facilities across the Gold Coast and will include stalls for male, female, unisex persons with a disability and a fully accessible unisex change room. As part of the amenities renewal, the beach shower located at the nearest beach entrance will be upgraded to a double beach accessible shower. Construction is due to commence early April with a construction period of three to four months. 


Thrower Drive Bridge, Maintenance Works Stage 2

Thrower Drive Bridge spans Currumbin Creek and forms a strategic link in the road network, connecting Currumbin to Palm Beach. Engineering assessment and investigations revealed that some principal bridge components are at intervention. Rehabilitation works are necessary to maintain the structural integrity and durability of the bridge with safety and serviceability improvements. 

Stage 2 works are due to commence April 2019 and will take place below the bridge deck (substructure) and underwater. Barges and scaffolding will be used for safe access. There will be no impact on vehicular movements. Access will also be maintained for recreational waterway users on Currumbin Creek, however there will be some temporary speed limit reductions required during construction. No road closures or night works are required. Works are due to be completed in June 2019 (weather permitting). 


What’s on in our community


Coplick Family Sports Park

The City received 1 submission for expressions of interest for right of use of the fields and lease of the clubhouse at Coplick Family Sports Park. Gold Coast United Football Club was successful in their application and recently commenced operations. With 530 members, it’s great to see our new sports fields being used by a well-established club. The Club is planning renovations to the clubhouse and will host an open day soon. 


Coolangatta and Kirra Business Centres Place Based Master Plan

The City of Gold Coast is developing a Place Based Master Plan that aims to improve the public space and enhance the lifestyle of residents. The community is invited to provide their feedback on the design concepts to help positively shape the future of Coolangatta and Kirra.

The Place Based Master Plan focuses on improving how the community experiences public spaces and the streetscape in Coolangatta and Kirra – it does not address the planning framework. You can have your say by visiting us in person at the Griffith Street entrance of the Strand Shopping Centre, Coolangatta. Alternatively, you can complete the online survey and go in the draw to win a $500 EFTPOS voucher. Have your say online here. The engagement period will run from 25 March to 15 April.


Youth Week on the Gold Coast

Queensland Youth Week is an annual celebration of young people aged 12 to 25 and the positive contributions they make to our communities. Queensland Youth week 2019 will be held from Wednesday 3 April through to Sunday 14 April 2019. For a full calendar of events and details visit at www.goldcoast.qld.gov.au/youthweek


Tugun Community Bank® Branch Community Funding Program

Representatives of local community groups are invited to attend the launch of the Tugun Community Bank® Branch sponsorship program at an Information Session on Wednesday 10 April at 6.00pm at Tugun Surf Life Saving Club. RSVP by 3 April to Maris Dirkx on 0421 215 596 or email marisdirkx@tuguncommunitybank.com


2019-20 Mayoral & Divisional Donations program

Applications for the 2019-20 Mayoral & Division Donations will be accepted between Monday 5 August 2019 to Thursday 5 September 2019. The Divisional Donations Program supports and stimulates projects, activities, equipment or operational functions which have a divisional or local focus. For more information, click here


Councillor Gail O'Neill
Division 14

Our Valued
Platinum + Gold Members

These members are highly valued for their contribution to the
Southern Gold Coast Chamber.

AustworldThe Surf Club Coolangatta HIWAY SMEC Currumbin Constructions Group Fotoforce photography Palm Beach (QLD) SLSC Supporters Club Currumbin RSL The Pines Elanora Employers Mutual Limited Neumann Group Hutchinson Builders ATCO STRUCTURES AND LOGISTICS LJ Hooker Commercial Southern Gold Coast Cranfield Group Southern Cross University Gold Coast Titans Effective Workplace Solutions Rydges Gold Coast Airport The Gallery Interiors To Be Continued BG&E Pty Limited CMW Geosciences Architectus Conrad Gargett Solar Set Pty Ltd Lee's Environmental RBR Property Consultants Palm Beach Travel Co. SEE Civil Pty Ltd Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary The Events Agency Alyve Technology