Division 14 Update from Cr O'Neill - February

Read up on the latest works and events happening on the Southern Gold Coast from Division 14 Councillor Gail O'Neill.

Welcome to the February edition of my monthly Councillor Newsletter for 2019. As your Councillor, I am passionate about serving the needs of residents, schools, businesses and community groups within Division 14.

My office in Tugun is open Tuesday to Friday between 8.30am-12.30pm and 1.30pm-4.30pm. Should you have any community concerns, feedback or suggestions I am available to meet with you. Please contact my office on 07 5581 5275 to arrange an appointment or email me through your request to division14@goldcoast.gld.gov.au.

Commencing Friday 8 February, I will be conducting pop­ up listening posts between 9am-11am at Coolangatta Library so if you are in the area please call in and see me to say hi.

To keep up to date with important Division 14 related works and events subscribe to my Facebook feed and ‘like’ my Facebook page here.


Local Area Works

Golden Four Drive, Road Upgrades

Works to encourage walking and cycling are planned for Golden Four Drive to complete the Principal Active Transport route. This includes upgrading and widening the shared path between Short Street and Matters Street, and connecting the path and bus stop ramps to improve accessibility. The works also include renewal of the road pavement along Golden Four Drive (from Short Street to Gibson Street) to improve its condition.

Works are due to commence early February with the majority of parking to remain. To minimise impacts, works will be delivered in stages (block by block). Notification letters will be sent to local businesses and residents.


Night works, Coolangatta

Road reseal night works projects are scheduled for the following streets in Coolangatta commencing February 4-7 during the hours of 6.00pm to 5.00am for asphalt resurfacing;

  • Lanham Street, February 4-5
  • Dutton Street, February 6
  • Golden Four Drive/Musgrave Street, February 7

Affected residents and business will be notified of the works prior to commencement via letter box drop and VMS boards.


Playground Upgrade, Tugun

Playground upgrades have commenced at Tugun Park (Coolangatta Road, Tugun) with the small playground at Honeymoon Tree Park to be removed shortly. The Tugun Park playground will re-open in early March.


Playground Upgrade, Queen Elizabeth II Park

Works to upgrade the playground at QEII Park (Marine Parade, Coolangatta) are scheduled to commence February 11 for 3-4 weeks with the playground scheduled to re-open early/mid-March


Playground Upgrade, Binung Park

Works to upgrade the playground at Binung Park (Border Drive North, Currumbin Waters) are scheduled to commence the week ending Friday 1 March for 2-3 weeks with the playground scheduled to re-open mid/late-February.


'Drive Safe' Speed Awareness

Portable speed awareness devices are temporarily installed in streets across the City where speeding has been identified as an issue. These 'smiley face' digital signs have been shown to achieve a significant reduction in speeding. The next round of Speed Awareness Devices will be deployed in the following streets between February and June; Millers Drive, Tugun; Monash Street, Tugun; Kitchener Street, Tugun; Morshead Street, Tugun; and Trees Road, Tallebudgera.


Tugun to Bilinga Oceanway

Our beautiful Southern Gold Coast now has a dedicated Oceanway path from Currumbin to Point Danger with the Tugun to Bilinga section being officially opened last month by the Hon. Mark Bailey, State Minister for Transport and Acting Mayor Donna Gates. It was a wonderful Community celebration and I received some great feedback from both local residents and visitors who now are enjoying this beautiful part of our coastline.

I do however need to remind everyone that this is a shared path for both pedestrians and bike/scooter/skateboard riders. I have had several reports of cyclists colliding with pedestrians over the last few weeks. To ensure everyone's safety I would implore walkers/runners to please be aware of your surroundings and request that cyclists, scooter and skateboard riders please slowdown in consideration of pedestrian traffic. It is recommended as a courtesy that cyclists give a polite tingle of their bell to alert those walking or running on the path. 

There will be extra signage installed soon along the new section of path in regard to acceptable user behaviour. Local Law allows for fines to be issued for dangerous behaviour. Remember safety is everyone's responsibility.


What's on in our Community


Seaside Sounds Kirra 2019

Held at one of the Gold Coast's finest beach side locations, Seaside Sounds returns this summer for 5 consecutive Sunday afternoons of free live music on the iconic Kirra foreshore. Brought to you by Division 14 Cr Gail O'Neill, Seaside Sounds commences Sunday 27 January to Sunday 24 February inclusive from 4.00pm-7.00pm at Roughton Park, Kirra.

Pack your blanket for a food truck picnic and enjoy beats by the beach in the cool ocean breeze. Free jumping castle and face painting for the kids. Hear from your favourite bands with a line-up including: The Twine, Josh Lovegrove, Felicity Lawless, Claire Anne Taylor, Tay Askee, Felipe Baldomir, Tones & I, Satisvibes, Alisha Todd & the Volcanic Lovers; and The Lyrical.

This is a family friendly event and no alcohol is permitted in the park. For the latest event details click here.


Creative Life & Movies Under the Stars

Presented by Somerset Storyfest in partnership with Tugun Community Bank Branch® and proudly supported by Cr Gail O'Neill, Creative Life - a Tugun community event and Movies Under the Stars returns to Tugun Park on Saturday 30 March from 2.00pm to 7.30pm. Join us for this free family event with author readings, performances, games, activities, face painting, food trucks and Movies Under the Stars.


Shout-Out Fest

Shout Out to youth aged 12-25 years! We're celebrating the boundless, 'unlimited' energy you bring to our community with a free festival full of fun just for you. Come and celebrate Youth Week 2019 on Southern Gold Coast with:

  • Live music and entertainment
  • Skate clinics, demonstrations and competitions
  • Rock climbing
  • BYO camera workshop
  • Reusable bag tie-dying
  • Street Art stencilling workshop
  • Boxing with Fight 4 Youth
  • Micro-business workshop
  • Pop-up library and robotics
  • Food trucks

This event is brought to you by Division 14 Cr Gail O'Neill in and proudly supported by Tugun Community Bank Branch®.


Councillor Gail O'Neill
Division 14

Our Valued
Platinum + Gold Members

These members are highly valued for their contribution to the
Southern Gold Coast Chamber.

AustworldNeumann Group Gold Coast Titans Cranfield Group Southern Cross University Currumbin RSL RBR Property Consultants CMW Geosciences LJ Hooker Commercial Southern Gold Coast The Events Agency The Pines Elanora ATCO STRUCTURES AND LOGISTICS Alyve Technology Fotoforce photography SMEC Employers Mutual Limited To Be Continued Lee's Environmental The Surf Club Coolangatta Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary Currumbin Constructions Group Solar Set Pty Ltd Hutchinson Builders Effective Workplace Solutions Rydges Gold Coast Airport HIWAY SEE Civil Pty Ltd BG&E Pty Limited Architectus Conrad Gargett The Gallery Interiors Palm Beach (QLD) SLSC Supporters Club Queensland Airports Limited Palm Beach Travel Co.