SGC President takes a stand on QLD border

As the call to open Queensland’s borders amplifies, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland (CCIQ) and SGC President Hilary Jacobs calls to open travel to support local businesses.

The Palaszczuk Government, on the 8th of May, announced their Roadmap to Easing Restrictions including Phase 3 which was due to commence on July 10: a lift on the border and interstate travel could commence. On the 18th of May (10 days later) the Premier advised on LIVE Television that Phase 3 would now commence in September. 

Southern Chamber of Commerce President, Hilary Jacobs, has implored Annastacia Palaszczuk to visit the Gold Coast and see firsthand the financial and emotional damage caused by her refusal to reopen the border. Hilary states that "normally from the June long weekend to October long weekend, we have a very large number of people who come up every year and embed themselves in our community. They are part of our community for three or four months of the year". 

GM of Policy & Advocacy for CCIQ, Amanda Rohan, stated: "the government have an opportunity here to be agile and responsive by managing health advice with economic recovery and consider bringing forward that travel date, and detailing how far people will be able to travel,”. The CCIQ believes the health and safety of everyone must be a priority, but having seen business adhere to rules and implement strategies the CCIQ is encouraging the Queensland Government to start giving business the opportunity to operate again. 

The Southern Chamber of Commerce is encouraging its members to write to your elected officials and express your opinions as well. Advice on this can be sought by contacting the chamber here.

Check out the Roadmap to easing Queensland's restrictions here.

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