Have your say on the Cruise Ship Terminal for Southern Gold Coast

Since the announcement of the Cruise Ship Terminal proposal for the Southern Gold Coast was announced, we have received many comments via email and verbally as to business support or lack of support for the idea.

You may recall, that we also took a vote for the proposal in the presence of about 24 members a few months ago, and there was a large majority against the concept.

It is only a matter of time before the media, government and others, will ask our Chamber for our stance on this issue.

Do you support the proposal of a cruise ship terminal to be located on the Southern Gold Coast?

Yes No Undecided


Dereka OgdenDereka Ogden1-6 Yeramba Place, 31 Oct 2012 6:56 AM

I live at the southern end of the Gold Coast because I hate all the high rises and other manmade monstrosities on the Northern end.

I definitely do not want a cruise ship terminal of any sort anywhere on the Gold Coast.

It would be an eyesore.

It would not bring many dollars.

It would bring many more buses to our roads.

It would spoil the look of the Coast.

It would impact badly on the marine ecosystems.

It is an attempt to grab our public land either at no cost to the developer or at minimal purchase price with no benefits to the community.

Dereka Ogden

Catherine Ash 29 Oct 2012 6:20 AM

How to spoil what people come to the Southern end of the Gold Coast for. I have spoken to many people on the beach at Bilinga and when I tell them what is proposed they are horrified and said they wouldn't return to the area if it the terminal went ahead. We have to protest loud and long to stop this stupidity. A land grab for a greedy developer.

AnonymousAnonymousAnonymous 25 Oct 2012 12:39 PM

The proposed cruise ship terminal on public foreshore at Bilinga would have a number of adverse affects for a doubtful economic gain. It will stop the northward flow of sand drowning the southern beaches and starving the northern beaches. This would not only ruin the surf but have ramifications for existing tourist businesses as many people may no longer chose to come here for surfing or family beach holidays. It would also endanger beach front properties to the north making erosion more likely. To partly ameliorate this there would need to be continual dredging and sand pumping. The present sand by pass system might also need to be reconfigured. Who would be responsible for this? Other issues to be considered are pollution from ships, traffic congestion, construction disruption, the affect on migrating whales, the

loss of amenity with the development extending nearly a kilometre into the ocean, the sustainability of the development given the predicted increased frequency of storms, the affect on clubs in the area from the competition of another casino. There are other ways of boosting the local economy such as the sponsorship of more festivals, the creation of a dive site none , building of wave pools inland, the completion of the Oceanway, of which would destroy the environment . The beautiful beaches are the main tourist draw and should nor be jeopardized. What are the economic benefits of the cruise ship terminal and what are the costs? Who would be responsible for the upkeep and running?

AnonymousAnonymousAnonymous 25 Oct 2012 12:39 PM

The proposed cruise ship terminal on public foreshore at Bilinga would have a number of adverse affects for a doubtful economic gain. It will stop the northward flow of sand drowning the southern beaches and starving the northern beaches. This would not only ruin the surf but have ramifications for existing tourist businesses as many people may no longer chose to come here for surfing or family beach holidays. It would also endanger beach front properties to the north making erosion more likely. To partly ameliorate this there would need to be continual dredging and sand pumping. The present sand by pass system might also need to be reconfigured. Who would be responsible for this? Other issues to be considered are pollution from ships, traffic congestion, construction disruption, the affect on migrating whales, the

loss of amenity with the development extending nearly a kilometre into the ocean, the sustainability of the development given the predicted increased frequency of storms, the affect on clubs in the area from the competition of another casino. There are other ways of boosting the local economy such as the sponsorship of more festivals, the creation of a dive site none , building of wave pools inland, the completion of the Oceanway, of which would destroy the environment . The beautiful beaches are the main tourist draw and should nor be jeopardized. What are the economic benefits of the cruise ship terminal and what are the costs? Who would be responsible for the upkeep and running?

juliet green-wood 23 Oct 2012 2:15 AM

NO NO & NO! this is a very bad isea! the gold coast does not need this abomination - we already have enough!!! we are in the midst of a GFC ... in case you didn't know. our marine environment does not need destroying - IT NEEDS RENEWING!! this would be an unnatural disaster if it goes ahead. anyone who thinks a CST is ok is uninformed & short sighted.

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