New restrictions to take effect from 1am 29 June 2021

Restrictions in Queensland are being implemented for 11 South East Queensland local government areas from 1am on Tuesday 29 June 2021.

If you are in any of these regions you must:

  • carry a mask and wear it whenever you are outside the house (excluding vigorous exercise or when seated).
  • you must be seated when eating or drinking at a cafe or restaurant.
  • you can remove your face mask when you are indoors if you are:
    • travelling alone in a private vehicle or with members of your household
    • working alone or with members of your family in an indoor workplace
    • indoor workplaces when physical distancing is possible, and you don’t interact with members of the public.

Capacities for indoor venues have returned to one person per 4m2 for indoor premises and one person per 2m2 outdoors or for venues under 200m2. You can now have up to 30 people at private gatherings and 100 people for weddings and funerals.

This applies to the following 11 LGAs:

  • Brisbane
  • Ipswich
  • Logan
  • Moreton Bay
  • Redlands
  • Sunshine Coast
  • Noosa
  • Somerset
  • Lockyer Valley
  • Scenic Rim
  • Gold Coast

These restrictions will be reviewed on Tuesday 13 July 2021.

Restrictions for the rest of Queensland

Anyone who has been in South East Queensland in the past 14 days must carry and wear a mask.

Restrictions for the rest of the state have also been increased temporarily with indoor venues allowed 1 person per 2m2, weddings and funerals capped at up to 200 people or 1 person per 2m2.

Restricted businesses and indoor events must use the COVID Save Checklist.

Anyone who has been to a declared hotspot or interstate exposure venue of concern must not visit a Queensland residential aged care facility or shared disability accommodation service centre.

Further updates and contact tracing

The Restrictions on Businesses, Activities and Undertakings Direction (No. 21) has been updated.

All businesses can continue to operate but those that have to use the Check in Qld app, or need to start using the app by 1am Friday 9 July 2021, need to ensure staff and visitors check in to support fast contact tracing efforts.

Information is progressively being updated, to keep up-to-date with the latest information, regularly visit the Queensland Government’s website.

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