Queensland's events are Good to Go

Queensland’s Chief Health Officer has approved an Industry Framework for COVID Safe Events. All event organisers need to familiarise themselves with the approved Industry Framework.

Live events are back, with a major part of this week’s announcement of easing of restrictions centering around events of all types and sizes being able to proceed from Stage Three of the roadmap. Community events, destination, major and business events are to be guided by the principles of the Industry Framework for COVID Safe Events developed by the Queensland Tourism Industry Council, Griffith University, Tourism and Events Queensland and the Department of State Development, Tourism and Innovation and approved by Queensland’s Chief Health Officer. As a major driver of visitation, community pride and economic impact, the return of events to Queensland’s tourism offering is a very welcome component of the easing of restrictions. 

What event organisers need to do

All events must be able to comply with having one person per four square metres of useable space (including staff and other people on site).

All events must adhere to the principles and strategies in the Industry Framework.In addition to adhering to the Industry Framework, event organisers must also comply with any other relevant approved Industry Plan/s which may apply to all of part of their event, including:

  • COVID Safe Industry Plans for specific industries or venue types, such as community sporting events, live music venues and hotels.
  • COVID Safe Site Specific Plans for individual venues in which many events are held, such as an individual stadium or convention centre. Check with your venue or site owner whether they have an approved COVID Safe Site Specific Plan in place.
  • COVID Safe Professional Sporting Code Plans for professional sporting events. Check with the relevant sporting code about whether they have approved COVID Safe Plans applicable.
If your event is covered by, and compliant with an approved Industry Plan/s, and adheres to the Industry Framework, your event does not require further Queensland Health approval.

If your event is not covered by an approved Industry Plan, Site Specific Plan or Professional Sporting Code Plan then pending the size of your event, you will need Queensland Health approval:
  • Events up to 500 people: no Queensland Health approval needed when following a COVID Safe Event Checklist
  • Events 500 – 10,000 people: develop a COVID Safe Event Plan for approval from the local Public Health Unit
  • Events of more than 10,000 people: develop a COVID Safe Event Plan for approval from the Chief Health Officer

Read this fact sheet, including a decision tree, to help understand what you will need to have in place in order to stage an event.

Additional fact sheets to assist event organisers to understand the Framework are available on the Queensland Government's COVID-19 website.


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