Small Business Connect - January 2022 edition

Updates from the Queensland Government's Department of Employment, Small Business and Training.


January 2022

COVID-19 update

COVID-19 vaccination changes
Parents, carers and guardians can now book children aged 5 to 11 years old to get vaccinated. You can find a guide and FAQs on making a vaccination booking on behalf of a dependent.

Anyone aged 18 years and over who has already completed their primary COVID-19 vaccine course four or more months ago is eligible to receive the COVID-19 booster dose. From 31 January 2022, booster doses will become available for those who had their second dose three or more months ago. Book a vaccination appointment or find a nearby walk-in centre.

Border and worker restriction changes
From 1am Saturday 22 January, fully vaccinated international arrivals will no longer need to enter quarantine. The Quarantine for International Arrivals Direction (no.19) is in effect until then, but will be updated to reflect this change.

People who are not fully vaccinated will still have to complete 14 days quarantine. Fully vaccinated international arrivals will be asked to use a rapid antigen test within 24 hours of their arrival.

Queensland is close to reaching the 90 per cent double vaccinated milestone and this change follows the COVID-19 Vaccine Plan to Unite Families.

Interstate border restrictions have been lifted and the requirements for a close contact to leave quarantine to perform critically essential work have been set.

Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements grants and loans

Apply now for disaster assistance
Small businesses affected by the flooding caused by ex-Tropical Cyclone Seth can visit the Queensland Rural Industry and Development Authority for more information and to apply for Extraordinary Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants or Disaster Assistance Loans. This assistance is jointly funded by the Commonwealth and Queensland Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).

Grants of up to $50,000 are available, with an initial amount up to $10,000 available up front and a subsequent payment once evidence of payment is provided. These programs also support primary producers and non-profit organisations.

Community input

Indigenous business survey

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Business and Innovation Reference Group is calling on all Queensland Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander businesses to have your say on how to improve the Indigenous business sector in Queensland.

Share your ideas on how best to promote, enhance and strengthen the Indigenous business sector. The survey is open now:

Regional Community Forums call for expressions of interest

The Queensland Government is seeking committed locals to participate in local Regional Community Forums to help deliver strong, sustainable regional communities.

Expressions of interest are sought from all sectors of the community to help identify opportunities and develop solutions focused on strengthening the economy and growing jobs in your region.

Make your voice count and help build a vibrant region. Submit your expression of interest on the website.

Expanding single use plastic bans survey

Since 1 September 2021 single-use plastic straws, stirrers, plates, bowls with lids and cutlery, and expanded polystyrene takeaway food containers and cups have been banned in Queensland.

The Queensland Government wants to know what businesses think about expanding the ban to include other single-use plastic items such as takeaway coffee cups and lids, drinking cups, magazine wrapping, fruit and vegetable bags and fruit and expanded polystyrene fruit and meat trays.

The survey will close Friday 28 January 2022.

Environmental Protection Agency consultation

The Queensland Government is consulting with community and stakeholders about possibly establishing an independent Environmental Protection Agency for Queensland. You can read a summary and complete the survey, which will close on Sunday 6 February 2022.

Digital Industry Partners Graduate Program

With demand for digital skills at an all-time high, the new Queensland Government Digital Industry Partners Graduate Program provides a list of digital, and ICT graduates ready to work in a variety of areas for small to medium businesses.

Graduates are pre-screened and undergo testing before being accepted into the program. You can access the graduate portal for free to view their qualifications, course marks, resume and application video.

Businesses need to employ the graduate for one year at their own costs. Graduates also receive development and support from the Queensland Government. The business can choose to continue the graduate’s employment after the one-year contract ends.

Recruiting a graduate is easy – simply visit to find out more and register your interest by 31 January 2022.

Events and key dates

Business Queensland’s events calendar
As you launch into your 2022 plans, remember the Business Queensland event calendar has opportunities to learn about a range of business topics and build connections with potential customers and suppliers.

Queensland business organisations can use the online submission form to provide details of professional events and networking opportunities for inclusion on the Business Queensland event calendar. Submissions will be included on the Business Queensland event calendar in line with the policy and terms and conditions of the Business Queensland website.

Nominations are open for the 2022 Queensland Greats Awards until Monday 31 January 2022. The awards recognise extraordinary Queenslanders who have made a long-term contribution to, or whose achievements have significantly impacted the history and development of Queensland.


Get ready for whatever 2022 can throw at your business

Complete the Business health check to find out how you can better prepare for change or disruptions. You can also check out the Small business disaster hub, which provides a range of general and industry specific advice for businesses to prepare for and respond to a range of natural disasters and other events.

The Get Ready Queensland website has published videos of 3D disaster animations to highlight the risks of these events and provides a range of information to help people to prepare.

Upgrade your business finance knowledge

The Business Queensland website has published updated information on:

Stay connected

For further health updates please keep checking the Queensland Government website. In addition to this message, you can stay up-to-date with the latest assistance from the Queensland and Australian Governments through the Business Queensland website. You can also follow us at

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