Small Business Connect - May 2022 edition

An update provided by the State Government for small businesses advising of opportunities, grants and awards.

May 2022

Queensland Small Business Month 2022

May is Queensland Small Business Month and it’s time to celebrate all the small businesses driving our economy, creating local jobs, and building strong communities.

There have been more than 160 events across the state this month, giving small business owners the opportunity to network, connect and learn skills that will help them grow and thrive.

There are still more events to come, visit the Business Queensland events calendar to find out more and to register.

Small Business Connect Reader Survey

To help us provide tailored information, services and support to Queensland small businesses, the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training is conducting a Small Business Connect reader survey over the next few months. Survey responses will assist us in understanding you, your business and your information needs to inform future issues of this newsletter.

Queensland Government support

Business Growth Fund – Expressions of Interest to open 31 May

Guidelines for the fourth round of the Business Growth Fund are now available. The Business Growth Fund offers funding up to $50,000 to help established businesses purchase specialised equipment to support business growth. Successful applicants must co-contribute at least 25 per cent of project costs.

Potential applicants should be aware that stringent eligibility criteria apply to applicants and projects across the three stages of the application process, culminating in a verbal pitch session to a panel. Only a select number of EOI applications (stage 1) will be invited to complete a full application (stage 2).

To be eligible for this grant, businesses need to have a minimum annual turnover of $500,000 and have the potential for high-growth within the next two years, which could include a 20 per cent increase in productivity, turnover, profit and/or employment.

Examples of eligible highly specialised equipment include advanced manufacturing equipment to meet otherwise unachievable growth demand.

Applicants should read the guidelines in detail. Fleet vehicles, such as forklifts, are ineligible.

The program is competitive, meaning applications are assessed against eligibility and assessment criteria. Interested businesses can review the guidelines and prepare the necessary documentation required in readiness to submit when Expression of Interest applications open on 31 May 2022.

You can create an account for the SmartyGrants portal prior to midnight Monday 30 May and then again from 9am Tuesday 31 May. A virtual queue may be used after 9am on the SmartyGrants portal. This virtual queue is not able to be accessed prior to 9am on 31 May.

EOI applications are scheduled to close when we receive sufficient applications for a competitive assessment or at 5pm, 30 June 2022, whichever comes first.

Access the guidelines on the Business Queensland website.

Small Business Support and Wellness package announced
The Queensland Government has announced a $6.75 million package to support the mental health and wellness of small business owners. The package includes appointment of six specialist Small Business Wellness Coaches across Queensland, access to a $3 million Small Business Support Services Fund to assist small business owners to alleviate their current situation; extension of the education program ‘Small Business Smile4Biz’ developed by the Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce; and a promotional campaign to raise awareness of the mental health, financial counselling and other support services available to small businesses. For more information visit the Business Queensland website.

Queensland Small Business Hardship Appeal
The Queensland Small Business Hardship Appeal opens on Thursday 19 May 2022 to help small businesses recover from hardship and get back on their feet sooner.

In a joint partnership between the Queensland Small Business Commissioner’s office and GIVIT, the Small Business Hardship Appeal helps businesses who have been impacted by the recent pandemic and natural disasters.

If your small business is unable to engage essential services or source equipment to keep operating, contact the Queensland Small Business Commissioner’s office on 1300 312 344 to be connected with the Small Business Hardship Appeal partners or get help by loading your request on

Queensland Women’s Strategy released
The Queensland Women’s Strategy 2022-27 has been released and sets out five impact areas the Queensland Government will focus on, with women’s economic security as the first and overarching area. The strategy sets out a range of commitments for the coming five years to improve outcomes in one or more of the impact areas.

One of these commitments is to collaborate with stakeholders to address structural barriers that impede female entrepreneurs and small business owners, with a particular focus on women in remote, rural and regional areas. Other commitments will encourage more girls to study and work in STEM fields and support pipelines for women to work in male-dominated industries, including trade and technical jobs.

Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month
May is also Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month with events across the state as well as a range of resources to help raise awareness of the impacts DFV has and information on available support.

A domestic and family violence resources for businesses page has been added to the Business Queensland website to help small businesses respond to DFV. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland’s ‘Domestic and Family Violence as a Workplace Issue’ report highlights the impacts DFV can have on businesses. The new webpage connects small business owners to information from the Fair Work Ombudsman, the Queensland Government and other sources, as well as links to training options, financial assistance programs and where people can get support.

Interstate tradies urged to run to paradise
To build-up our construction workforce and help flood-impacted communities and businesses rebuild and recover sooner, the Queensland Government has launched a new Tradies in Paradise initiative to attract tradies to Queensland. Up to $1750 in cash bonuses is available for 1000 eligible interstate tradespeople and building professionals (excluding NSW) who relocate to work on reconstruction.

Help promote this great opportunity by sharing campaign materials across your networks and to interstate tradies you think may be interested. Employers working on flood recovery may also consider targeted recruitment across existing networks and channels, and into interstate markets.

For more information, including how eligible workers can register interest and apply, visit

Calling innovators and investors: step into Dealroom Queensland
Start-ups looking to attract funding and investors looking for the next big business idea can now connect on Advance Queensland’s free online platform, Dealroom Queensland. Register, complete your profile, post updates and look for opportunities to build connections with other members and turn local ideas into thriving operations.

Drought Assistance Program – webinars and community forums
Queensland is leading the way by supporting drought preparedness activities for a broader range of primary producers. Come along to an upcoming regional forum hosted by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) and Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority, or if you can’t make it, view the industry webinars DAF held in March.

Find out about the preparedness grants and loans and hear what help is available for your Farm Business Resilience Plan. There will also be a seasonal climate forecast update and a Q&A session at the end.

Could the Mentoring for Growth program help your business?
Mentoring for Growth (M4G) can help you get your business back on track – whether it’s been impacted by COVID-19 or a natural disaster, or if you just need help addressing some of the everyday issues and challenges of operating a business.

This could include how to manage staff, getting business operations running more efficiently, keeping customers, organising your finances, or ideas for finding new business opportunities. In fact, experienced M4G mentors are available to talk through any problems in your business or to help it grow.

The program is available to small business owners across Queensland. Register for a free and confidential mentoring session today:

Sharing inspiring innovation stories

The Office of the Queensland Chief Entrepreneur is looking to share stories from 222 innovators in 2022. Check out the short videos that have already been posted for a dose of inspiration or consider recording your own video on what innovation means to you. Sharing your video puts you in the running to receive a mentoring session with Chief Entrepreneur Wayne Gerard or a member of the Innovation Advisory Council.


Safe Work and Return to Work Awards 2022
Submit a nomination before Friday 17 June to recognise and celebrate the important contributions being made to keep people safe at work and to support people to get back to work. Winners can receive up to $2000 and have a short film made to showcase their success and share their stories with others. Visit Safe Work and Return to Work Awards 2022 for more information.

2022 Buy Queensland Supplier Awards
Nominations are open for businesses of all sizes supplying to the Queensland Government for the 2022 Buy Queensland Supplier Awards. Award categories cover ‘Putting Queenslanders first’, ‘Diversity through supply chains’ and ‘Delivering for Queensland’ with an additional Minister’s Buy Queensland Award to recognise an outstanding nominee. Nominations close on 20 July with the Buy Queensland Supplier Awards ceremony scheduled for 5 October 2022.

Key dates

31 May: Consultation closes for a new Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander economic strategy

6 June: Queensland Daymarks the date Queensland became a separate colony in 1859. The 2022 Queensland Day program will also celebrate Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee across 2–5 June.


New online resources for businesses
New and improved online resources to support business owners have been released on the Business Queensland website. The Queensland Government’s one-stop-shop for business information, the Business Queensland website has updated a number of popular topics, including finance, accounting and profit, adapting to change, and digital skills for business. Step-by-step guides, practical advice and videos are now available for business owners and operators to work through at their own pace to develop tailored plans and introduce strategies to help their business thrive. Visit for more information.

Business Launchpad reduces red tape for more small businesses
The Business Launchpad is now available to residential construction or food and beverage entrepreneurs and business owners in:

  • Banana Shire Council
  • Charters Towers Regional Council
  • Gladstone Regional Council
  • Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council
  • Lockyer Valley Regional Council
  • Mareeba Shire Council
  • North Burnett Regional Council
  • Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council
  • Weipa Town Authority
  • Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire Council.

You can save time and effort when starting or running your business by using the Business Launchpad, to discover licences, permits and regulatory information from all levels of government, tailored to your business needs.

Using the Business Launchpad, you can:

  • manage your priority applications
  • find, fill and save your progress as you complete necessary forms
  • submit some applications online.

Taste farm life campaign supports agribusinesses
The Queensland Government’s agritourism campaign has kicked off again. Called Taste farm life, it encourages travellers to visit a farm (or farm/food-related event) and discover the hidden gems of regional Queensland.

If you’re a farm-tourism operator you can get the word out by using one of the available resources, or directing people to the Taste farm life website to plan their next adventure. And don’t forget to #tastefarmlife!

Order and secure your RAT supplies ahead of winter cold and flu season
Winter is coming and bringing cold and flu season with it. The Australian Government is encouraging suppliers and businesses to order COVID-19 rapid antigen tests early to ensure supply is available if demand picks up as respiratory illnesses rise. The Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources recommends seeking multiple suppliers for major orders, so that any logistics disruptions that affect a manufacturer or region doesn’t delay an entire shipment at a vital time. Find out more about buying and selling COVID-19 rapid antigen test kits.

From 1 July 2021 any businesses that provided or reimbursed the costs of COVID-19 tests for employees may have affected its fringe benefit tax liability. Check out the Australian Tax Office’s FBT and COVID-19 tests information for more. Employees who bought their own COVID-19 tests for work purposes can claim a tax deduction.

Support through the insurance claim process
The National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA) has launched a claims support initiative connecting people who suffered a loss from the recent floods and don’t have an insurance broker with a NIBA member. They will work pro bono to support people through the claims process. Find out more from the NIBA website.

Stay connected

For further health updates please keep checking the Queensland Government website. In addition to this message, you can stay up-to-date with the latest assistance from the Queensland and Australian Governments through the Business Queensland website. You can also follow us at

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