Small Business Connect update

The Queensland Government has released a ten-year plan to address workforce shortages which would see all Queenslanders who want to work, supported into good jobs. Read more here.

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August 2022

Good people. Good jobs: Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022-2032

The Queensland Government has released a ten-year plan to address workforce shortages which would see all Queenslanders who want to work, supported into good jobs.

Good people. Good jobs: Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022-2032 will deliver programs to help all Queenslanders get a good job and connect businesses with new workers.

Programs will focus on five areas including increasing workforce participation, developing local solutions, supporting school to work transitions, attracting and retaining workers and skilling Queenslanders now and into the future.

$70 million will be invested in the first action plan over the next three years – 2022-2025 – to ensure industry, business, communities and government work together to deliver the workers Queensland needs.

Read the strategy and find out how you can join the conversation at

Good jobs, great stories – tell us what’s worked for you
We’ve uncovered some amazing stories of innovation helping to solve workforce challenges. Share your story, ideas and tips to benefit other employers.

Workforce stories and ideas
Share your workforce solution story
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Queensland's Path to Treaty

Path to Treaty is Queensland’s journey towards acknowledgment of injustices, truth telling, and self-determination for First Nations Queenslanders.

The next phase—becoming treaty-ready—provides an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the rich histories, cultures, customs and achievements of Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Each of us can take action today, from coming together for truth telling to celebrating cultures. It’s important to acknowledge the true history of First Nations peoples and reflect on how we can work together to achieve a fully reconciled future.

If you would like to know more about Path to Treaty, please visit

Visit the Deadly Stories Facebook and Instagram pages or LinkedIn to stay connected and contribute to this important conversation. #QldTreaty

Businesses shine at Queensland Training Awards

Businesses supporting the development of skilled workers have been recognised as part of the Queensland Training Awards.

With 21 regional winners in the Small, Medium and Large Employer of the Year categories, plus many proud employers supporting individual category finalists, there’s a lot to celebrate!

The variety of qualifications and industries across the Harry Hauenschild Apprentice of the Year, Bob Marshman Trainee of the Year and other categories demonstrate the value and commitment that employers across the state are putting into training pathways.

  1. finalists for the state-only categories – Premier’s Industry Collaboration Award, and Small and Large Training Provider of the Year – have also been announced, recognising innovative training partnerships that deliver high quality training for students.

    Purchase tickets to join the celebration at the Queensland Training Awards State Final gala dinner on Saturday 17 September 2022.

    Photo: State finalist and Darling Downs South West’s Small Employer of the Year Beau Minnett from Minx Contemporary Hair Boutique.

What are you doing for Safe Work Month?

Safe Work Month is coming up in October!

Safe Work Month raises community and industry awareness about the importance of work health and safety, and best practice rehabilitation and return to work. But this is not something we should work on just in October – safer, healthier workplaces are for everyone, every day.

Get involved by promoting safe work in your workplace or participate in the many events organised by Workplace Health and Safety Queensland.

There’s something for everyone with programs covering topics like good work design, incident preparedness, creating a positive culture around workplace safety and wellbeing and more.

To learn more, access events or view resources to promote Safe Work Month, visit

Support for agricultural workforce continues

There’s great news for agriculture enterprises needing assistance to attract, train and retain their workforce!

Funding for the Queensland Agriculture Workforce Network (QAWN) has been extended for another three years. QAWN officers are located across the state and deliver a free service to agribusinesses with operations in Queensland, regardless of commodity or organisation membership.

To connect with your local officer, visit the Queensland Government’s
agribusiness website.

Are you a small business supplying to government?

The On-time Payment Policy (OPP) has reduced payment terms for small businesses supplying to the Queensland Government from 30 calendar days to 20 calendar days.

The OPP is part of the Queensland Government’s commitment to backing small business, strengthening and growing the sector and improving small business cash flow.

Register your details in the
On-time Payment Small Business Register so your small business is recognised as a supplier to government.

Registration is quick and easy, and will help ensure your invoice is paid within 20 calendar days.

To find out more, visit the
On-time Payment Policy webpage.

Train and retain staff with micro-credentialling courses

With skills and staff shortages hampering many tourism businesses, the Queensland Tourism Industry Council (QTIC) and Queensland Government are providing industry operators and their staff with access to hundreds of free of charge tourism and hospitality-related online courses.

Micro-credentialling courses are flexible, bite-sized courses delivered online. They’re a great way to upskill and onboard new and current employees inhouse.

Staff can be trained in as little as 40-minutes with industry-specific skills. The learnings provided by the courses are helping to fill critical skill gaps and improve staff retention.

To learn more and register your interest for a course, visit the QTIC website.

Reducing food waste in your business

The Queensland Government has released new resources to help small businesses in the food services industry reduce their food waste and save money.

The new waste audit tool helps businesses measure how much food waste is generated, and provides guides on how to minimise food waste and losses.

There are lots of ways to reduce food waste in your business, such as:

  • finding new uses for inedible waste
  • avoid spoilage waste through smart ordering and storage
  • being smart with food preparation
  • engage with customers to reduce plate waste.

​​​​​For tips and tools, explore the resources available online to reduce food waste in your business.

The Queensland Government’s plan to improve the management of organic materials over the next ten years is available on the Queensland Organics Strategy and Action Plan website.

Mental Health Week 8-16 October

Queensland Mental Health Week is just around the corner! From 8-16 October, the week focuses on the importance of mental health and wellbeing, and reducing the stigma associated with mental illness.

Protecting the psychological health of workers is just as important as protecting their physical health. During your career, it’s highly likely you will work with or manage someone with a mental health condition.

In fact, 1 in 5 Australians experience a mental health condition in any year and 1 in 2 Australians will experience a mental health condition in a lifetime.

Get involved! Attend one of the many free events held during the week to show your commitment to building mentally healthy workplaces, nurture your teams’ capabilities and improve your awareness of psychological health and safety and early intervention.

You can also host an event or share your story.

To find out more, visit the
Mental Health Week website.

Remember, if you or someone you know needs support, you can call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636.  Find a list of support resources at
Find help.

Key dates

Social Enterprise World Forum 2022: 28-29 September
With over 100 speakers and 55 sessions across five stages, the Social Enterprise World Forum to be held from 28-29 September in Brisbane, is set to be Australia’s largest gathering of social entrepreneurs in 2022.  

Don’t miss this opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of the social enterprise sector as a potential supplier business.  

Over 1,000 people from the social enterprise and corporate sectors, government, impact investing and philanthropy are expected to attend.

Keynote speakers include: 

  • Dylan Alcott, AO 
  • Daniel Flynn - Thankyou 
  • Kate Raworth - Doughnut Economics 
  • Laura Thompson - Clothing the Gaps 
  • India Miro Logan-Riley - Actionstation 
  • Luke Terry - White Box Enterprises 

Head over to the Social Enterprise World Forum website to get your ticket and be a part of the world’s largest social enterprise event.

Indigenous Business Month is coming in October
Indigenous Business Month is an annual celebration that occurs every October and 2022 marks its 8th year. Indigenous Business Month shines a light on the growing ranks of successful Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses across Queensland.

This year’s theme is ACTIONS TODAY, IMPACT TOMORROW to inspire the next generation of First Nations business leaders. During the month, First Nations business owners and their non-Indigenous allies are collectively called upon to gather online, and in the community to look at our actions today, and how they will impact our tomorrow.

Visit the
Indigenous Business Month website for more information.

Indigenous Business Month 2022 Award applications are open through to 25 September. Find out more at
Indigenous Business Month 2022 Awards.

Upcoming business events
Find out about the many workshops and events on offer through the Business Queensland events calendar. From the calendar, you can register for an online mentoring session or an upcoming workshop.

If you are organising events that will benefit other businesses, you can submit an event to be considered for the calendar.

Check out the
Business Queensland events calendar to see what’s on offer to boost your business today.


Could the Mentoring for Recovery (M4R) program help your business?

Mentoring for Recovery is specifically aimed at assisting businesses that have been significantly affected by a natural disaster, such as the floods earlier this year.

Experienced business mentors can help you develop strategies to rebuild your business. They can also help you address challenges or issues you may be facing as a result of water inundation or supply chain interruptions.

M4R can even provide you with a sounding board if you wish to test your ideas for recovery with business professionals.

Register for a free and confidential mentoring session today:

Strengthen your small business with a new online training course for work health and wellbeing
The rise of COVID-19 brought unprecedented financial and emotional pressures to many workplaces, particularly small businesses. These pressures can have a major impact on work health, safety and wellbeing.

The work health and wellbeing interactive course has four modules that focus on how to embed work health and wellbeing intobusiness systems to improve the health of your workers and workplaces.

Small business owners, managers, health and wellbeing coordinators, human resources staff and health and safety advisors will all benefit from this course.

Head to the
Work Safe website to grow your skills around how to integrate work health, safety and wellbeing into your small business.

Assess your digital business health today!

What does your current digital presence for your small business look like? 

Whether you’re just starting out or already doing business online, managing and improving your online activity will ensure your business is optimised digitally. 

Take our free 
Digital health check to understand your digital capabilities and find opportunities to improve your digital health. 

By answering a few questions online about your website, SEO, marketing, social media, cyber security and more you’ll be presented immediately with a personalised report outlining your digital strengths and areas for improvement, as well as links to free resources. You can even email the report to yourself as a record of action items to tackle in the coming weeks and months.

Visit Business Queensland for your free 
Digital health check today! 

Stay connected

In addition to this newsletter, you can receive the latest information from the Queensland and Australian Governments through the Business Queensland website. You can also follow us through the Business Queensland Facebook page.

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