Support for Business and Workers

The Department of Employment, Small Business and Training wants to keep you informed of the latest assistance from the Queensland and Australian Governments in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Recent announcements

Roadmap to easing restrictions for Brisbane— The updated roadmap covers the current restrictions in place in Brisbane and also the rest of the state. There are also a range of FAQs available that explain some of the common ways these restrictions should be applied.

Regional businesses can still apply for Small Business COVID-19 Adapation Grants — Funds are still available to support eligible regional businesses to adapt and get ahead in 2021.

New COVID-19 business support and recovery survey now available — The survey takes just a few minutes to complete and will help the Queensland Government plan online content and resources to help businesses recover and respond to COVID 19.

Expert advice available to support Queensland small businesses — The Mentoring for Growth program connects small businesses with experienced business mentors to help this vital sector to pursue new or bigger goals and adapt to emerging challenges. Register your interest in working with a mentor, or becoming a mentor and helping other Queensland businesses to grow.

Commissioner support extended to help small business Queensland small businesses can continue to access free mediation and dispute assistance for commercial leasing and small business tenancy disputes through the Queensland Small Business Commissioner. If your business turnover dropped between 29 March and 31 December 2020 due to COVID-19, you can still negotiate rent relief with your landlord. If you are unsure how to get started, reach out to the Queensland Small Business Commissioner at or by phone on 1300 312 344.

First JobTrainer places now available — The $200 million joint Federal and Queensland Government funded JobTrainer fund is now accepting enrolments with TAFE Queensland or CQUniversity. Private training providers that have been approved as a Skills Assure Supplier can now apply to offer JobTrainer funded places to eligible people.

Skills Reform engagement hub launched — To support a strong training system that develops the skilled workforce needed to drive our economy, Australian governments (both at the national and state and territory level) have agreed to immediately progress reforms in following key areas:

  • Strengthening the role of industry and employers
  • Improving VET qualifications
  • Raising the quality of training

The engagement hub will provide information and consultation opportunities for the three reform areas and is a central location to stay informed, be engaged and provide feedback throughout the consultation process. You are invited to share your needs and expectations of the national training system and how you would like a future VET system to work.

IP Australia SME services to help protect small business inventions — IP Australia’s portal for small and medium enterprises offers tailored information, tools and other resources that cover the basics and more complex issues around protecting and leveraging new ideas. SME Fast Track and a SME Case Management service are also available to help you through the patent process and encourage innovation in the sector.

Additional support from Australian Tax Office — If you are having trouble managing your tax obligations or payments the ATO can work with you to find a solution tailored to your situation and help you get back on track.

Have Your Say: Expanded polystyrene (EPS) packaging — The Queensland Government wants to know what Queenslanders and businesses think about including EPS takeaway products, such as 'foam' cups or clam shell food containers, in the proposed ban of other single-use plastic items including straws, cutlery and plates. Consultation closes at midnight this Friday 15 January

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