Support for business and workers: latest updates for businesses impacted by COVID-19

The Department of Employment, Small Business and Training wants to keep you informed of the latest assistance from the Queensland and Australian Governments in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Save the COVID Safe Business page to your favourites — The page provides critical information and resources to guide businesses on requirements as we move towards Stage 2 of the Roadmap to Easing Restrictions. Additional information is now available on Industry Safe Plan requirements and processes commencing at Stage 2.

COVID Safe online training now available — TAFE Queensland is offering free online COVID Safe Training for dining services and beauty therapy services. The training program has been developed to provide all staff in industries requiring a COVID Safe Checklist with training which will allow them to help ensure a COVID Safe work environment. Access the training here:

Australian Government launches continuing your business guide
— A step-by-step guide to help plan your recovery.

COVID Safe public transport plan released — Translink has released a plan for commuters and other customers to support health and safety.

Sport and recreation COVID Safe Restart Plan — $51 million plan to assist community sport, including grants for clubs, participants and peak bodies.

Infrastructure bonanza to create hundreds of jobs in regional Queensland — Building our Regions program commits $365 million for 48 new projects with 39 local councils.

A people’s weekend to boost tourism— Brisbane’s Ekka holiday shifted to Friday 14 August with the city asked to head to the bush and support regional tourist businesses.

CopperString 2.0 to power jobs and wealth creation for NQ — $14.8 million to continue development activities and prepare for construction in 2021.

$900,000 COVID-19 package to support vulnerable communities — Funding for various initiatives and programs to support people with limited English and other barriers to stay connected.


Unite and recover for Queensland Jobs

COVID-19 business assistance finder

Jobs Finder Queensland

Free online training

Roadmap to Easing Restrictions and COVID Safe Checklists

Queensland Government Unite against COVID-19 website

Published 28th May 2020

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