Update from Laura Gerber MP, State Member for Currumbin
Laura provides an update on grants that have become available along with an update on what has been happening in the electorate.
Flood grants, Parliament wrap-up and job vacancyAdditional grants and funding have become available to assist in the flood recovery. Some grants close shortly - details are included below.
Our community spirit continues to shine brightly, and I was pleased to acknowledge in Parliament some of the incredible volunteers who have helped our community, and our neighbours over the border, in the flood clean-up. Listen to my speech here.
I've also included a few brief updates in this newsletter, including an exciting job opening in my office.
As always, if there is any way I can support you, please don’t hesitate to email currumbin@parliament.qld.gov.au and I’ll be in touch as soon as possible. Warm regards,  Laura Gerber MP Member for Currumbin Shadow Assistant Minister for Justice and Youth Shadow Assistant Minister for the Night-time Economy and Cultural Development

| Flood Recovery Support Additional grants and funding that have been made available since my last update: Red Cross grants Grant applications from the Australian Red Cross are now open at www.redcross.org.au/grants.Two grants are available to people affected by the Queensland or New South Wales 2022 floods.
- Bereavement Grant of $20,000 to support next-of-kin of those who died as a direct result of the floods with immediate needs (funeral and other related expenses).
- Household Grant of $500 per household to help with basic needs such as food, clothing or personal items for people whose primary place of residence was affected by the floods and who are experiencing financial hardship as a result.
Sporting Clubs/Not-For Profit Organisations support Affected, eligible not-for-profit clubs and organisations may access grants including: - Level 1 Sport and Recreation Disaster Recovery Program: $5,000 via www.qld.gov.au/recreation/sports/funding/disaster-recovery
- Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangement packages, including QRIDA Extraordinary Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants - $50,000 via the website. A further grant of up to $20,000 to be managed by DTIS (grant still under development) will also be available.
Active Clubs funding of $2000 to support volunteers and provide flexible and safe physical activity opportunities is currently available to increase sport and recreation participation. www.qld.gov.au/recreation/sports/funding/active-clubs
Small Business, Primary Producers and Non-Profit support Grants and loans are available to assist directly impacted small businesses, primary producers and non-profits with the costs of clean-up and reinstatement. For more information on assistance available visit www.qrida.qld.gov.au or call 1800 623 946.
Commonwealth/State Government grants closing soon Visit www.qld.gov.au/SEQRecoveryGrants for more information, and apply by visiting the websiteor call 1800 173 349. Various grants are available, and are closing soon, so be sure to apply quickly! Eligible suburbs include: - Currumbin (closing 30 March 2022)
- Currumbin Valley (closing 29 March 2022)
- Currumbin Waters (closing 30 March 2022)
- Elanora (closing 29 March 2022)
- Tallebudgera (closing 30 March 2022)
- Tallebudgera Valley (closing 29 March 2022)
GCBF Grant up to $100k! The Gambling Community Benefit Fund’s first $100,000 super round is now open and will close at midnight on 31 March 2022! If you are a local community group applying for grants, please contact my office for ways I can assist, including a letter of support or acting as a referee. |

| Parliament Update Here’s what I advocated for on your behalf in the Queensland Parliament last week: - shared community stories from our recent Crime Forum to drive change and fight for the Queensland Government to act on community concerns about crime.
- called for the State Government Review into the 2022 floods to include the flooding within our electorate and investigate any events that may have aggravated local damage.
- asked the State Government to commit to funding repairs and flood mitigation for infrastructure and roads damaged by the floods in our community.
- reiterated our calls for a Queensland Cross-Border Commissioner, which would champion our Queensland cross-border community.
- highlighted the need for the Small Business Commissioner to be given the funding and independence it needs from the Minister's department.
- acknowledged the hard work of community volunteers who helped during the floods and paid tribute to the incredible community spirit shown.
Thank you for your service Taylor Our valued team member Taylor has taken up an exciting new opportunity and I wanted to acknowledge and thank her for her service to the Currumbin Electorate during her time as Electorate Officer of my office. Taylor was there for us during all that COVID threw at our community and she was there during the 2022 Flood Disaster. On behalf of our Currumbin team, thank you Taylor!
With Taylor's departure, there is now a vacancy in my office. Information on the position description and the application information pack can be found here: https://smartjobs.qld.gov.au/jobs/QLD-PAR-22-26. |