Check out the latest news on all things road works, local council investment and planning. Keep up to date with what happening in the local area and plan ahead for your small business.
- Coolangatta
There will be a temporary full road closure of Eden Avenue (between Hill Street and Ward Street) Coolangatta for water and sewer connections.
The closure will be in place from Monday 15 February to Monday 15 March 2021 (approximately eight closures will be required intermittently within this period) from 6.30am to 6.30pm (weather permitting).
Emergency and Local access will be maintained.
Water Service Announcement - Coolangatta
Local Coolangatta residents - a planned water shutdown is scheduled between 9am and 2pm Monday 15 February (weather permitting) for replacement of a section of water main and relocation of hydrant. Streets affected include Eden Avenue, Boundary Street and Marine Parade, Coolangatta.
Notification letters will be sent to impacted residents.
30km/h Speed Limit Changes - Griffith Street, Coolangatta
The City's Traffic Engineering team has undertaken a speed limit review of Griffith Street, Coolangatta in accordance with the relevant standards.
The outcome of the speed limit review was the recommendation of reducing the speed limit to 30km/h. This speed limit aligns with the current recorded speed of vehicles on this road. As such arrangements have been made to install 30km/h speed limit signs along Griffith Street, Coolangatta in late-Feb/early-March 2021 (weather permitting).
40km/h Speed Limit Changes - Pacific Parade, Bilinga
The City's Traffic Engineering team has undertaken a speed limit review of Pacific Parade, Bilinga in accordance with the relevant standards.
The outcome of the speed limit review was the recommendation of reducing the speed limit to 40km/h. As such arrangements have been made to install 40km/h speed limit signs and pavement markings on Pacific Parade, Bilinga in late-Feb/early-March 2021 (weather permitting).
Further to this, two Variable Message Signs (VMS) will accompany the change in speed limit for the first three weeks.
Night Works at Greenmount Hill Footpath
The footpath around Greenmount Hill will be closed for night works to facilitate geotechnical investigation works commencing Wednesday 3 February to Friday 26 February from 9pm to 5am.
There will be a detour in place via Marine Parade
There will be a temporary full road closure including footpath with detour of Pacific Parade (between George Street and Mills Street) Bilinga to facilitate crane installation.
The closure will be in place for one day on Monday 8 February (contingency dates 9/02 or 10/02) from 6.30am to 5pm (weather permitting). Emergency and Local access will be maintained.